Sunday, December 11, 2011

Junk Room Be Gone

If you have a junk room Like i do, there is a simple way to get rid of all of that junk. Turn the junk room into a storage room. You may be thinking "well thats what i do, Store stuff in there". Well Ask yourself, is the room organized and is it easy to find what you  are looking for?

Like  I said earlier turn your junk room into a storing room. all you do is take Everything  out of the room and sort it into piles, To Keep, to Throw away, to donate, to fix or sell, belongs somewhere else. After you sort measure the room and buy enough shelving to go on all of the walls and in the middle of the room. It should look like a library, or you can come up with your own storage system. Then buy multiple storage containers. Lable each container 1,2,3....and so on. then buy a notepad and write the box number and the contents of the box in the notebook. hang the notebook above the light switch and make sure it does not move



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